Christianity's Death Spiral - Challenges and Opportunities
This is a strategy paper I wrote some time ago. I wouldn't normally publish it here but given the nature of the times I decided to anyway (Ed).
Today Christianity
is facing near extinction or at least open persecution in the West as a result
of a systematic assault that has been ongoing for over one hundred years. We
struggle as the first Christians did “Not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, powers and hosts of wickedness in high places”. These
principalities operating on the human mind and the fallen nature have built
highways of belief that have re-directed three generations away from God. This
has been done with strategic intent by people “whom the Devil hath taken
captive to do his will”. Note the Bible does not say that they are bad people –
only that they are captive and “they became foolish in their thinking”. Lots of
good people have fallen prey to well-intentioned but ultimately harmful
Their objection to
Christianity is two fold. Firstly they believe, usually unconsciously, in a
philosophy of materialism. This philosophy credits itself as the reason for human
advancement and therefore sees belief in divinity as an obstacle to progress.
The second objection is that Christianity is perceived as oppressive and
socially regressive. Social progress therefore requires its removal on both
counts. This is not a friendly game. It is the specific purpose of secular
humanists to expunge belief in divinity from society. In this struggle they see
the church as their enemy and their strategy is to destroy it. As we will see
they have enjoyed considerable success.
Our current
situation now presents us with great challenges but also great opportunities if
we can understand the nature of the times. “Making the most of the time because
the days are evil”. This talk finds solutions and opportunities that are
available to us within our current resources.
The Demographic Challenge – saving the next two
The church across
the Western World is dying a slow demographic death and has been since the
1950’s. We need to be honest about how few we really are. One example: according
to survey data in Australia and the UK around 50 – 60 per cent of respondents
identify as Christian. Dawkins decided to challenge this so he engaged an
independent social research firm to ask some of these people some pretty basic
questions – questions like ‘do you believe in the resurrection’, ‘do you pray’, ‘do you look to the Bible for
guidance’, ‘do you regularly attend religious services’, can you name the four
gospels or the ten commandments? Long story short, in the UK around 15 per cent
of the population could in any meaningful sense be considered Christian. I
haven’t found reliable numbers for Australia but they certainly would not be
higher. Given that these were pretty
basic questions I suggest that the number of people in Australia who Jesus, the
apostles or the early church would recognise as Christians is around five per
cent or 1/20. To put that in perspective it’s around the same number of people
who identify as homosexual or transgender.
Now that’s
interesting because after the War at least perhaps half the population were Christians. They did believe in the
resurrection and did attend church. So what changed? We defeated the Nazis and
the Communists yet three generations of people have walked out of the Church.
Across the Western World our numbers are going south and have been consistently
for nearly 70 years.
The church has worked
very hard to reverse this trend. The Catholic Church had Vatican II. We
continued our charitable mission in every corner of the globe. Some churches
watered down the message removing references to hell, Satan, judgement,
patriarchy and sexual purity. Churches have re-branded. We have bought new
modern facilities. We have upbeat music. We have kids programs, youth programs,
young adults programs, seniors programs, and many other programs. We have
created all sorts of subcultures. We had charismatic renewal. We got our own
music and our own media. We got women priests. Some bought into the prosperity
doctrine. We got ecumenical. We prayed for revival. We voted Republican. New
wave charismatic churches experienced growth but much of this came about by
youth defecting from the liturgical churches leaving them grey. We have worked
our priests, pastors and other leaders half to death. We have fought the culture
wars on abortion, homosexuality, and euthanasia and mostly lost. Some of us
even dared warn our countries about what would happen if the Muslims were
allowed to come in. Some of us even dared challenge Darwinism. For all this we
have paid a price. Nevertheless nothing the church has done since the Second
World War has prevented our decline and that decline is increasing.
It follows
logically that if we just continue our hard work we will become extinct or be
relegated to being a persecuted minority sect – a small island of faith in a
secular sea. Our enemies know this. This is a problem because we are at our physical
and financial capacity and we cannot add anything big to what we are already doing.
Our enemies know this too. Consequently, if we don’t want to become extinct and
if we want more for our children and grandchildren than persecution we need to
re-direct our current effort. All the enemy has to do is keep us busy and
distracted. Today I hope we can stop being distracted and think strategically.
Meet Rebecca and
Those who play or
follow competitive team sport will know that defeat is easy but victory never
happens by accident. It takes dedicated training, a game plan, and knowledge of
your opponents to win. If you don’t train, barely understand the game, and
wander onto the field expecting to be treated nicely you will get slaughtered. We
are getting slaughtered. To explain why, let me introduce a fictional brother
and sister: Rebecca and Gavin.
Rebecca and Gavin
grew up in a Christian home and attended church more or less regularly but not
as regularly as they attended school or watched TV. When they did attend church
they got some liturgy, some singing, and a smattering of Bible teaching. They
believed some of it but some didn’t make sense. There was never really a forum
to ask questions so they didn’t. Rebecca is 16 and Gavin is 17. They are at
high school and starting to make decisions about their lives. They both have
friends and a social media life. Gavin has a girlfriend.
From life outside
of home and church they have learned these things:
- Science has proved that the universe created itself including
them and all their friends from the big bang because chemistry just works
that way
- The Bible can’t be trusted because it isn’t scientific, it was
written for a different time, it isn’t supported by history, and it is
full contradictions
- Christianity isn’t very loving because it doesn’t accept gays, it
supports slavery and it says that women are second class to men. It also
says that all the other religions are wrong.
- There is not really right and wrong anyway as long as we accept
and love everyone
- On the other hand life is about competition and survival and is
basically unfair so you have to look after yourself
- All religions are basically the same and so are all cultures
and peoples
- Success in life comes by ‘measuring up’. It’s about how you
look, what you have, whether your friends like you, and how much money you
make. It’s pretty hard to measure up if you are a Christian because that is
seriously daggy and people don’t like you
- Everyone is having sex and it’s great. If you are not you are
missing out. Sex is like food – it pays to dry different things and figure
out what you like
- Having a big sex life brings social status
- It’s boring to be heterosexual. Its much cooler to be bi or gay
- Porn is everywhere and you are really daggy if you don’t use
it. Some of their friends have taken and shared nude selfies
- Sex is really OK because there is contraception and if you get
pregnant you can terminate it – it’s not really a baby, just a bunch of
- Church is really a place for old people. Society has moved on
and left Christianity behind.
From the church
they have learned:
- You have to be a Christian to go to heaven
- It’s not OK to talk about sex but it is OK to feel guilty about
- You have to be nice to people who are not nice to you
- Jesus paid for your sins but the old testament just doesn’t
make sense
Rebecca and Gavin
have sat through a lot of sermons. However, despite the sacrifice of many
Sundays, they have not been trained in systematic theology and do not really
know what Christianity is. Rebecca and Gavin have not been trained in Biblical
world view and do not have a Biblical world view, nor do their parents. They do
not have a framework that allows them to make sense of social issues. They have
no historical reference and no understanding of the Biblical basis of science
or civilisation.
They have been
heavily indoctrinated with an anti-Christian narrative but they have not been
given a counter narrative. They have not been given an answer to the
intellectual assault on their faith. Their bodies are screaming at them to have
sex and most of their friends are, but there is nowhere safe in the church
where they can have an honest conversation about it. In their minds their
parents grew up in a different time and may as well be from a different planet.
Rebecca and Gavin have not been given a theological framework within which to think
intelligently about sexual issues. On some issues they have been told what to
believe but not why. They have not been taught how to read and understand the
Bible for themselves. They have inherited a faith but don’t really own it. They
sense intuitively that being a fundamentalist carries real social and economic penalties.
It is also becoming really hard. Unlike their parents and church leaders who
married in their early 20’s Rebecca and Gavin will likely not marry until their
late 20’s or early 30’s and they are not going to stay virgins for that long. They
have no compelling reason to adopt Christianity and they have been given many
reasons not to. What will they choose? What will they teach their children?
We now live in a
post Christian society that is openly hostile to our beliefs and values. We
then hand our children over to the State for 12 years to be indoctrinated into
society’s beliefs and values and then let them watch TV for more indoctrination
when they get home. Schools are ideological and moral war zones and
Universities more so.
Intelligent nations
do not send civilians or children into combat but that is precisely what we
have done with our kids. We have not trained them. We have not armed them. We
have not given them a reason to fight. Why are we surprised when they surrender
or defect? In these circumstances capitulation is not cowardice it’s rational
behaviour. We will look later at what we can do for the Rebecca’s and Gavin’s
in our midst.
death spiral is not surprising. It is the natural result of well-considered
strategies that have been advanced in the West since the nineteenth century but
more particularly in the post war period and which are now bearing fruit.
How did this Happen - containment, conflict and hybrid
One of the key
ideological conflicts in the Western World since the 19th century
has been that between secular humanism aka materialism, and Judea-Christianity.
I study the means
by which nations and empires subordinate each other. Those old enough to
remember the US Soviet stand-off will recall that the Soviets could not be
overpowered militarily. In consequence the US and NATO sought to contain them,
isolate their influence, infiltrate their politics, and ultimately divide and
conquer their union. Containment took many forms, not least the arming of militant
Jihadists on their borders. As the Cold War has morphed into a new war on the Russian
Federation and other non-aligned States the term ‘hybrid’ war has come into
use. Hybrid war uses the following techniques: information war aka propaganda,
psychological operations, funding of NGOs within the opposing State, mass
migration into the opposing State, cultivating a fifth column within the State,
exacerbating regional religious and sectarian differences, and economic war
through sanctions. Hybrid war seeks to
drive a wedge between the government and its people. When hybrid war weakens
and destabilises the target State sufficiently then open war becomes a
possibility. Alternatively, the State can simply be taken over. Venezuela and
Ukraine are both modern case studies.
These are the
tactics that have more or less been used by secular humanism against the
church. In the Western World context humanism has not hitherto been strong
enough to take-down the church. They could not simply put us in prison, close our
institutions, and take our children as they did in communist countries. So
instead humanism has adopted a strategy of containment and destabilisation. The
aim is to drive the church out of public life, starve it of congregants and
funds, and silence its voice.
The first part of the strategy in brief was this:
- Take-over of institutes of higher learning. This was done by
using Darwinism as a vehicle to embed materialism as the foundational
ideology of the Universities, institutes, and training centres.
- Take-over theological institutions. This was done via the
‘school of higher criticism’ and similar deconstructuralist views which
imbedded humanist teachers in religions training institutions.
- Take-over the education system. This was achieved by teaching
materialist philosophy as science and teaching it to trainee teachers at
- Take-over the media. This was achieved by developing a number
of progressive ideologies whose adherents then targeted positions of
influence including teaching, journalism, politics, and the civil service.
While these ideologies differ and change over time there are all based in
materialism and are anti-Biblical in outlook.
This ideological conflict
was generally undeclared but was fought openly across campuses, seminaries, within
churches, and in the wider community from the 1960’s onwards. While the church
struggled to adjust to the fall-out from the sexual revolution the humanist
movement consolidated its grip on the institutions noted above. Once secular
humanism was imbedded in the key institutions public consciousness could then
be steered away from Christianity. This would take time but over a couple of
generations the trend would clearly be in one direction. Along the way
humanists would make the most of our genuine vulnerabilities – our mistreatment
of single mothers, our alleged mistreatment of Aboriginal people, our
marginalisation of GLBTI people, and the Vatican’s policy of systematically
protecting pedophile priests. At the same time humanists in the media and education
system would ignore or minimise our positive contributions and charitable
works. This created a propaganda narrative which, like all good propaganda,
contained some truth.
Once humanist
beliefs were firmly embedded in the social unconscious, humanists could now
move from a position of strength. Where Communism openly demanded subservience
to the State humanism chose a more subtle tactic to achieve the same goal. We
are now in the early stages of the second part of the humanist strategy which
is this:
- Borrowing from the Christian concepts of equality and love
demand that this means unconditional acceptance of any life-style, belief
system or behaviour that people wish to engage in (other than
Judeo-Christianity of course).
- Use the militant gay movement to wedge the church.
- Make gay relationships legally equal to traditional marriage.
- Having established legal equality use the legal system to
destroy churches, businesses, careers, and institutions that do not accept
the ‘tolerance’ agenda.
- Openly introduce brainwashing and recruitment courses into State
schools and make them mandatory in all schools.
- Remove children from their parents should they restrict their
children’s ‘education’.
This is now happening
in jurisdictions where gay marriage has been legalised. There are numerous
examples including:
- Subpoena of sermons for vetting against a gay rights agenda by
the State
- Sacking people from university and from their work place for
posting on facebook that they oppose gay marriage
- Suing cake makers and wedding supply businesses that refuse to
service gay marriages
- Withholding state funding from adoption agencies that refuse to
adopt to gay couples
- The ‘Safe Schools’ program and similar programs in other
countries that propagandise and recruit children
- Teaching homosexual marriage to young primary school children
- Denying parents the right for their children to ‘opt out’ of
this indoctrination program
- Mandating the same curricula for independent schools and home
- Defining Biblical passages that don’t agree with the humanist
agenda as ‘hate speech’ with corresponding penalties.
This is the
beginning of the next big secular push that is currently disguised as
tolerance. The objective of this pressure is compel Christians to decide
between an authentic faith or a socially acceptable gospel. In this way
humanists will create an official acceptable form of Christianity that is
‘tolerant’ and thus stripped of spiritual meaning or historical truth, and
outlaw the Christianity known to the early Church. This is precisely what the
Communists did in China. In this they will be helped by their allies within the
church and some Christians who do not have a Biblical world view and are
vulnerable to humanist indoctrination.
Unlike the first
strategy of containment this second strategy attempts a formal take-down of
Christianity in the West. It thus forces the next generation to choose between
marginalisation/persecution or humanism. What would Rebecca and Gavin do?
Passing on the Torch – solutions for the young and
future generation
The above is not a
cause for panic but for sober reflection and clear thinking. This basic
conflict is over 100 years old. Long term intergenerational strategies begun in
the 1970’s are now coming to fruition. There will be no quick victory. The
losses of the last 100 years will not be swept away by some sudden revival.
This is an intergenerational struggle for the survival of Christianity and for
the light of the gospel. It therefore requires an intergenerational
The good news is
that the problem suggests the solution. What could we do to equip people like
Rebecca and Gavin to be Christians in their world?
Solution #1
Preach less, teach more, engage.
Nowhere in the
Bible does it say that a group of people should sit in a room every Sunday
while a man with a microphone preaches to them. Jesus did not say: “Go into all
the world and preach great sermons”. Rather, the first Christians “devoted
themselves to the apostles teaching and to prayer”.
Fifty hours of teaching is enough to address all of the deficiencies identified
for Rebecca and Gavin in 12 months of regular church attendance. No addition
effort or resource is required, only a change of focus. However additional
activities could include a survey of the congregation to gage their current
level of knowledge, a safe on-line forum to talk about sexual issues, training
in apologetics in home groups, and open discussion forums with youth and other
leaders for those who want to.
Remember that what
Rebecca and Gavin lack is:
- An understanding of why they should believe the Bible
- Knowledge of how to understand and interpret the Bible for
- A systematic theology
- A Biblical world view/framework within which to work out social
- A safe forum where they can have a meaningful discussion about
sex and sexuality
- A credible apologetics – answers to the attacks on/objections
to their faith
Addressing these
deficiencies in the manner suggested will offend:
- Christians who have an unbiblical world view
- Traditionalists who can’t handle an adult conversation about
sex or other issues
- Church leaders who are used to telling people what to believe
but not used to engaging in genuine dialogue with their congregation
- People who don’t want to be challenged or grow
- People who are offended by the notion that we are in a war of
extinction and we are losing
..and that’s OK.
In a broadly Christian society there is no need to have hard conversations or
grapple with difficult issues because society broadly shares our values. Those
days are over and we are now in a hostile post Christian culture. If the next
generation is not trained their faith won’t survive. If people are not OK with
that let them leave.
Solution #2
Preach martyrdom
according to Patriarch Ciril, a Christian dies for their faith on average every
five minutes. However, in the West we tip toe around trying to make
Christianity sound appealing and not offend anyone. Jesus said: ”He who does
not take up his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” That is why baptism
symbolises death and resurrection. While not everybody gets to be physically
martyred everybody gets to die to themselves. Young people are looking for a
cause, for something to believe in and something to live for. Post modernism
presents them with a valueless soup.
This presents great opportunity for the church if we dare to say
what Jesus said.
From a practical
point of view people who are not equipped with a martyrdom mindset will be
unlikely to pass on their faith when things get rough. This may require a shift
in focus for some leaders but requires no additional effort.
Solution #3
Speak to economic concerns
People listen to
the things that matter to them and primary among these is money. Sadly,
national elections are fought primarily on economic management. The economic outlook
for young people is bleaker than it was for me, and my outlook was bleaker than
it was for my parents. It is becoming increasingly difficult for young people
to form households. If we believe that the family is the God ordained
foundational unit of society, and if we believe that children need the love and
care of a mother and father, then we need to advocate for those policies that
make the family unit economically viable. It is a falsehood to separate moral
and economic issues. It is similarly a falsehood to pretend that the
institutional separation of church and State somehow removes the God ordained
prophetic role of the church, or should prevent the church speaking into public
In the emerging
economic conditions of the Western World the Biblical family of mother, father,
children and any other relatives is not an economically viable unit. Both
parents must work and care of children must therefore be outsourced to State or
private care givers. A shift has occurred where women, once denied the
opportunity to work, are now denied the opportunity to not work and to parent
their young. This is exploitation of women and is unbiblical.
Therefore, the
church has a duty to speak about those policies that directly impact on the
economic viability of families. They are:
- Housing affordability and associated policy issues including
negative gearing, foreign ownership, public housing construction, and
- Penalty rates
- Weekend leave
- Casualisation of the workforce
- Student debt
- Privitisation of education and health care
- Hidden unemployment and underemployment
Speaking on these
issues will re-position the church as a credible stakeholder in society – a
place of ideas rather than outdated dogma as is currently perceived. The
Christian based political parties are either not addressing these issues or
advocating laissez-faire economic policies that make the Biblical family unit
non-viable. That is not a reason for the church itself to be silent. The church
can speak to these issues and remain non-partisan.
Solution #4
Minister to the victims of the cultural revolution
The premise of
humanism is that the greatest human happiness is found in the greatest human
freedom. This is true to an extent. However, we understand that true freedom
cannot be realised without moral boundaries. When we minister to the victims of
the ‘rights’ movement we subtly undermine that movement. When we minister to
women traumatised by abortion we undermine the abortion narrative. When we
minister to people wanting to break free from unhealthy relationships or
wishing to exit the gay movement, we undermine those movements. When we
minister to victims of the sex industry we de-legitimise that industry. We will
never get a fair hearing in the press but by exposing ‘the unfruitful works of
darkness’ we can present a compassionate alternative to our youth.
The Bigger Picture - seeing problems as opportunities
Offering thought-out
and principled solutions to real problems is both the loving thing to do for
the community and the pragmatic thing to do if we want to be taken seriously.
Therefore every serious problem presents an opportunity. This does take time
and effort and our resources are few. Therefore I will suggest two areas we
might best turn our attention to.
Approach to Truth and Freedom
Freedom around the
world is on the decline. From teachers in the UK threatened with anti-terrorism
legislation for teaching traditional marriage to total citizen surveillance and
warrantless SWAT searches in the US. Concentrated media ownership presents us
with a distorted view of the world and those in power consistently lie to us. If
we care about the truth and if we believe that there is a connection between
truth and freedom we need to be truth seekers and truth speakers.
Why are we not
speaking out in support of Julian Assagne and supporting Wikileaks? Why do we
not take up a church offering to support his ministry? Why do we not point out
that the illegal invasion of Iraq led to the creation of ISIS and the
enslavement of Christians in Iraq and Syria? Why can we not point out that ISIS
is supported by elements of both NATO and the US? Why do we not support
President Putin in his principled stand against homosexual indoctrination of children
in Russia? Why do we meekly accept the usurpation of parental rights when it
comes to education and values? Do we even bother to find out what is done in
our name? Why have we left it to the libertarian right and elements of the
social left to speak truth about power? John the Baptist didn’t and nor should
Biblical Economy
I mentioned
economic concerns previously. In the nineteenth century, Christian activists
targeted slavery as the great social and economic evil of their time. In my
parents time Communism was the evident threat. Today in the West the great
social and economic evil is the monetary system itself.
We should be
living in a time of unparalleled wealth and opportunity and in some ways we
are. However, right now there are 50 million people in the US who suffer ‘food
insecurity’ and another 20 million or so homeless. Real unemployment in the US
and EU is around 20 per cent. Ukraine and Greece are failed States. The economy
in most of the developed world is stagnant and social problems from
homelessness to drugs to mental illness to overcrowded prisons are growing
apace. In the US business closures exceed business start-ups. A lost generation
is developing. This is not coincidence.
It is not an act of God. This has happened because the economic management of
those countries is no longer founded on Biblical principles.
That presents the church with a generational opportunity to speak
answers to people’s pain.
In brief:
- The financial system has been largely de-linked from the real
- Because money is too easily created and no longer based on
anything real there is too much money in the system
- Debt levels are excessive
- The shadow economy of speculative instruments is orders of
magnitude bigger than the monetary economy which is bigger than the real
- Public money has been shoveled into the banks which created the
financial crisis to be re-cycled to create the same problems
- The net effect of all this has been to suck wealth upwards from
the productive economy to the unproductive fraction of one per cent of the
population who make money by moving money around
- The system itself is now structurally flawed and inherently
- This makes another economic crash or series of crisis
For example: the
national debt of the US Federal government stands at US$20 trillion exceeding
GDP for the first time since the Second World War but this does not take into
account the debts of State governments. Private debt in the US is around 48
trillion or around two and a half times GDP. Little if any of this debt has delivered
growth but it has made some people wealthy. The Kotch brothers have more wealth
than the bottom combined 200 million Americans in part by investing in the $US
700 trillion dollar global derivatives market. Four Americans
own as much wealth as the bottom 40 per cent of the US population. Globally the
wealthiest one per cent has more wealth than the rest of the world combined.
Specifically 62 people own more wealth than 3.6 billion of the world’s poorest. Because
wealth is sucked up rather than trickled down it cannot stimulate the economy.
On a Biblical note, greed is listed as a sin equal to any sexual wrongdoing.
People know the
system is broken and they are afraid but there is no counter narrative, no explanation
of the current model and no credible alternative. We can provide an
It is highly
relevant that as banks collapsed in 2008 and governments stepped in to prevent
a bank run, Muslim banks and those that did business with the Amish prospered.
The Amish banks prospered because the Amish only invest in or borrow against
productive tangible assets. They do not speculate – period. The Muslim banks
prospered for similar reasons – all loans are backed by tangible assets. In
Bible times wealth was measured in arable land, jewels and rare metals – things
with tangible timeless worth. Our current policy of living on credit not
savings, of printing money backed by nothing and investing it in speculative
instruments based on nothing, is destroying the West. Our US economic model which
has been largely exported is a Ponzi scheme that trashes the real economy and
funnels wealth upwards to the unproductive fraction of one per cent of the
population. We can offer an alternative model. Looking past the ‘left right’
political divide we need to point to the inherently flawed nature of the
monetary system itself and promote a Biblical alternative. In the Australia
context that would involve:
- Requiring all companies doing business in Australia to be
registered in Australia and to pay tax in Australia
- Prohibiting the sale of any public share within 12 months of
- Prohibiting the creation, sale or exchange of any form of
financial derivative or derivative contract
- Requiring deposit taking institutions to pay a rate of interest
on savings deposits which is not less than CPI.
- Requiring all loans to be backed by a tangible asset or
business, equivalent to a minimum per cent of the loan
- Legislating precious metals as currency
- Facilitating community exchange and barter
- Debt forgiveness where the debt was not properly secured and
cannot reasonably be re-paid
Speaking to these
issues brings the church from fringe advocacy of disadvantaged groups back to
the center of public discussion. This is both the loving thing to do for the
community and the pragmatic thing to do if we want to be taken seriously.
Let go of Unhelpful Beliefs
I don’t want to
get into an argument about theology but some beliefs are clearly unhelpful and
are best left behind. Let’s look at them quickly:
Fatalism is
characteristic of Eastern religion and some variants of Islam but has no place
in scripture. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, David, John the Baptist – all were
activists. They took positive action in accordance with their values and God’s
will. Their belief in God’s sovereignty did not prevent them engaging in
struggle and it should not prevent us. How can it be that in our private lives
most of us immunise our children, use contraception, and insure our
possessions, but when it comes to public life we contend that God is in control
so we don’t have to be concerned?
End Times
Another form of
fatalism is the belief that the end is nigh so all we have to do is hang-on and
wait for it. This sort of fatalism is unhelpful and disempowering. By all means
let’s read Revelation but some things belong to God and some things are ours to
Religion is a
private matter
Humanists contend
that religion is a private matter and has no place in public life. This
attitude is sometimes also found in the church. It is a good example of
Christians wanting to be fair and tolerant but not understanding either the
Bible or the World. All public policy,
all political and economic decisions, are based on values. All people
participate in public life based on their values. Public life is competitive.
As Christians we compete in public life based on our values. Others compete in
public life based on theirs. The argument that religion is a private matter is
a sleight of hand. It means that non-Christians have carte blanch to push their
agendas but Christians have no right to promote theirs. Jesus said that we
should be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Let’s not fall for this
We have to obey secular
I am not sure what
Elijah would have made of this doctrine when he massacred 400 prophets of Baal
then fled queen Jezebel. I am not sure what Christians living through China’s
cultural revolution under communism would have made of it. During the American
civil war Christians killed one another over union verses confederacy and no
one really knows whose side God was on. Our Westminster system of democracy came
about through the English civil war of 1642 in which the legitimate king of
England claimed the divine right of Kings and a bunch of Presbyterians rebelled
and cut his head off. In reality the notion that we should be good little
citizens and do what we are told has no basis in scripture or history. Indeed
every form of social progress from Magna Carter onwards has happened through
rebellion. Our spiritual ancestors were fed to the lions for refusing to burn
incense to Caesar. Romans says that we obey secular authority because God’s
will is that those in authority should punish evil and reward good. The writer
of Romans tells us to get along with all people and give those in authority
their due. This is salient advice. It is also what Jesus did. Our attitude
should be one of respect and cooperation. However, it ceases to be relevant when those
in authority reward evil and punish good as they did in Elijah’s day. I am not
talking about political differences. I am talking out good and evil. We do not
owe allegiance to evil.
We are in an
intergenerational war of extinction. We need to train, we need to pray, and we
need to take the initiative where it is available. God is not dead and neither
are we. We live in dangerous times but great dangers present great
opportunities to those who are thoughtful, resourceful and strategic. We love
those who have chosen to be our ideological enemies enough to not let them