What’s Been Happening
this Month
China Calling
While reeling from a wave of political rioting, plain old looting, and a Sino/Mexican backed drug war against their country, Americans in blue states are now also reaping the rewards of police de-funding and a ‘go softly’ approach to crime.
In that context the Biden
administration has begun a purge of gun owners and citizens with patriotic views. Not content with that, an ideological purge within the US
military is also
underway. Heaven forbid anyone be all of these things at once.
Let us recall that China,
through its proxies in the UN, ensured that COVID reached and spread within the
United States before a pandemic was declared. Add to that, the ‘thousand
talents’ program of intellectual property theft, the strategic buy-up of
critical resources, companies and infrastructure, infiltration of universities
via the Confucius Institute, co-option of politicians, plus threats to sea
lanes in the South China sea and a rapid expansion of their nuclear arsenal
aimed at the West and you have…. well, you have the regime in China. The
technical term for this hostile activity is ‘hybrid warfare’. Not content with
hybrid warfare, China is now threatening a first nuclear strike
against Japan. Odd
that Australia’s national broadcaster does not notice any of this.
The regime in China can
be overthrown. All that has to happen is for the West to disengage and bring
manufacturing home via tariffs and other trade restrictions. That combined with
demographics would cripple economic growth and set off a chain reaction within
China. After all, the Chinese people never chose
the Communist Party, but have suffered under their reign of terror for 60
years. Economic growth has been the cloak of legitimacy that has given the
Party the ‘mandate of heaven’ previously accorded to the emperors. Lose this,
and the party crumbles. That was the experience of the Suharto dictatorship in
The only Western leader
to advocate this course is Donald Trump. In that context the establishment
campaign against him is instructive.
Did Chinese hybrid
warfare extend to hacking the US election and stealing the vote for Biden? Some
people certainly think so. This documentary claims (from 1:30) to show votes being
stolen in real time by remote operatives in China.
Questions will remain
over Biden’s legitimacy until there is a full and proper accounting of what
took place.
US Election Imbroglio Won’t Go-away
The ongoing imbroglio of
the 2020 US Presidential election just won’t go away with election fraud cases still clogging
the courts and questions still demanding answers. Legal action continues with 500 electoral fraud cases pending in
Texas alone. Anomalies
and irregularities continue to be discovered. This should be of concern to anyone
who values electoral integrity regardless of their political persuasion.
The Epoch Times has
maintained a running commentary and reportage on both the election and the
legal challenges and reforms aimed to restore election
integrity. All
measures are opposed by Democrats even to the point of veto. In Texas, Democrats had the
opportunity to debate a raft of electoral integrity measures. Instead they fled the State en masse on private
jets to prevent a
working quorum so measures could not be debated or voted on. They have flown to
Washington where Biden has characterised attempts at electoral integrity as “the greatest threat to American
democracy since the civil war”. For the record, the US civil war killed around one million
men, women, and children. Watch this space.
Porn Hub has had some bad press lately having been caught out sponsoring links associated with sex trafficking. I mean, when you become the world’s biggest clearing house for one of the world’s biggest industries involving the corruption of young women, who could have seen that coming? Now one American woman is trying to bring them down. Interestingly her fight is not against erotica per se, but against trafficking.
Think Local, Act Global
30 years ago the world
celebrated the end of apartheid in South Africa. From U2 to the UN, the world
celebrated Nelson Mandela and the ANC. The fact that the ANC was supported by the Soviet
Union and promoted economically and socially destructive policies, was conveniently forgotten. It was assumed that a socially conscious
multi-racial government inheriting a largely developed country sitting on top
of massive mineral deposits and with extensive farms lands, could hardly fail.
After three decades of
progressive policies including promotion based on race, South Africa is a
failed State. Now as rival black factions vie for control, the country is
falling apart. While the mainstream media are reporting on the violence they
are ignoring the back-story. Any country adopting the same policies will
eventually experience the same outcomes. What is happening in South Africa
today could be Europe in 2050. It doesn’t have to be that way and South Africans are uniting to fight
back. There are
lessons to be learned; not least the fact that before unleashing anarchy, the
ruling faction in South Africa defunded the police and disarmed its citizens
exactly as the Democrats are trying to do in the USA.
This is the news from the
The situation now; also read the thread for local
BLM (Burn-Loot_Murder) Riots in South
Africa Continue (Southfront)
The scale of the anarchy captured
here. Also people singing and praying.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that this is also a war on white people. Listen to this declaration.
How different is that
from critical race theory and more recent declarations from BLM and its allies?
A single Afro-American man died when a police officer knelt on his neck and
hundreds of thousands of people protested and rioted world-wide. Yet a white
woman can be pulled from her bed and horrifically tortured to death and there
are no consequences. This article is instructive but
includes images of torture.
As far as I can tell none
of the 300 rapes perpetrated on one night against white women in Cologne by
Middle Eastern migrants have been prosecuted. One UK charity teaches that white
women reporting rape by black men support white supremacy. This is the tip of the cultural
While self-styled
progressives are promoting communism in the West, Cubans have risen up against
it in great numbers and with great hope despite the risk of arbitrary murder,
torture, and long term pay-back. Black Lives Matter in response has sided with the Cuban government. Where is AOC on this?
According to some
commentators Cuba has not experienced “real communism”. OK sure. But let’s be
even handed about this. If communism in Cuba isn’t “real communism” then
slavery wasn’t “real slavery”, colonialism wasn’t “real colonialism”, the
patriarchy isn’t really patriarchy, and domestic violence isn’t really violence
…except it is.
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COVID Corner
Issues around the China
Virus/novel coronavirus/COVID/Delta mutant/WuFlu/that thing we must all fear
but has never been photographed…..are coalescing around the following
did the virus originate?
is the best treatment?
lockdown a rational policy?
dangerous are the vaccines?
the vaccines work?
is the end game?
the wholesale wind-back of civil liberties?
is the ‘new normal’?
does all this intersect with other agenda’s such as the Great Re-set?
is any serious discussion of these questions off-limits?
· Why is it that any medical professional or scientist who questions the official narrative get censored or ignored?
Vaccination, we are told,
will protect us from the virus. Why then, should the vaccinated fear the
unvaccinated? Why should people who are vaccinated continue to wear masks? Why
must children be vaccinated and wear masks when they are not at risk? Is this
not a recognition that being vaccinated will not protect you from getting sick
and dying? Like all cold/flu viruses COVID-19 mutates rapidly. For that reason
it is extremely unlikely that there will ever be an effective vaccine; so we
must be forever on the vaccine treadmill getting new shots every few months
without knowing whether they will work or what serious side effects may occur.
Likewise with lockdown.
If, after imprisoning much of the world’s population in their homes for a year,
we still need to shut down entire cities and countries because of a few dozen
cases, then clearly lockdown is not working. That is, if health is your
objective. If your objective is to destroy small business, destroy community
life, concentrate wealth and power, rob citizens of their agency, and engage in
mass obedience training, then it’s a great policy.
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Anti-lockdown Protests in France |
Some recent news:
Scientists knew the ‘lab leak’
hypothesis was valid last year but kept quiet about it because they didn’t want
to agree with Trump.
Many are now calling for a realistic
investigation into origins. That even made NBC.
The global media focus on
COVID has shifted from India to Indonesia where apparently 2.6
million have been infected and 68 thousand have died, many of them children. This author
spent three months living and travelling in Indonesia during Idul Fitri and
Ramadan. There is not the slightest possibility that a country like Indonesia
could contain a virus like COVID. According to my calculator that is a death
rate of 2.6 per cent; which is at least six times the death rate in the West.
Why should that be? Why are children allegedly dying in large numbers in
Indonesia but not at all in the West? Until these questions are answered we
should remain alert but skeptical.
Meanwhile Dr Malone, inventor of the mRNA
vaccine has strongly warned against its use.
He and other experts continue to be
censored. So, what happens when Doctors can no
longer tell the truth?
After ridiculing the whole thing as ‘conspiracy theory’ for months, the mainstream media has finally acknowledged that Dr Fauci funded gain of function (ahem ‘health’) research on COVID viruses in China through a front company. Not mentioned is that he was prevented from conducting this research in the United States because the risk of accidental escape was considered too high, so he off-shored it. Now we are supposed to trust his advice on vaccines and HCQ.
It was Dr Vladimir
Zelenko who first informed President Trump of the effectiveness of HCQ as a
COVID fighting medicine. Dr Zelenko notes that 7000 deaths in the USA have been
attributed to COVID vaccination but the real number will be multiples of that. He provides an excellent interview
into both the treatment of COVID and the imbroglio around official responses
One person who has the
right to be smug is Steven W Mosher, author of ‘The Bully of Asia’ who first called out the Wuhan Lab. His very informative interview here.
Intelligent people who
care have done an excellent job of collating considered analysis on lockdown
and related issues. Lockdown Sceptics is one such source. Also of interest for people who
like numbers and graphs is COVID Health Data. For the more visually inclined see here.
Insight policy does not
provide medical advice or endorse all the content on Natural News. However we
appreciate the spirit of independent enquiry of that organisation. The proprietor
speaks here about recent threats and
future directions.
Perhaps all of this thoughtful enquiry is having an impact. Britain saw
massive protests against lockdown a couple of weeks ago followed by riots in France as their government seeks to impost
vaccine passports that create a second tier of citizenship to divide the
vaccinated from the unvaccinated.
Perhaps it was a mistake,
but one Australian Government Minister has actually said that lockdowns are
part of the ‘new world order’. In New South Wales apparently we
are not even allowed to speak to one another. Not even the Stazi
achieved that.
So what do we do when the
COVID Cops come knocking?
What’s Happening in
As widely predicted by
sane observers, allowing grown men to identify as women and invade female
spaces has provided an open door to predators. The ‘battle of Wi Spa’ is the start of things to come. The need to protect women and children
from predators enabled by WOKE business and the militant Left, will inevitably
dissolve into violence. This sickness started in the universities. Will there be a backlash?
Let’s finish
off with this nice message from a Gay Choir. Yes the gay agenda is here and yes,
they are coming for your children; no really, they said it not me.
The Sealed Section (for
God Botherers and the Curious)
To everything there is a time
Faith communities and
other civil gatherings are now beginning to face the hard truth that under the
current policy, lockdown is indefinite. The fact is, we are not going to ‘beat
COVID’. The WuFlu is here to stay, and it will continue to mutate. That gives
unelected officials the power to shut down any gathering, any congregation, at
any time and for any length of time. How should the church respond? These are
difficult questions for both leaders and laity. We need to be gracious with
each other as we work through the options.
Increasingly some
communities will reject restrictions on worship, particularly on sharing the
Lord’s table. Canadian pastor James Coates is one such. He is interviewed here on his release from jail.
In Australia COVID
regulatory over reach is now becoming comical as NSW bans churches singing hymns even
over zoom. Perhaps
there is a digital COVID out to get us?
God bless and stay well.
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The author social distancing |
Editorial Policy
The Australian
Conservative Monthly is a publication of InsightPolicy.
The Australian
Conservative Monthly serves to educate, inform, challenge, and network thinking
people with conservative values; specifically personal responsibility,
individual rights (including property rights), civic virtue, intellectual
enquiry, and the Judeo Christian ethic. In referencing a speaker, author,
article or website, InsightPolicy does not necessarily endorse all the content
or views published by that speaker, author, or in the article or website.
Specifically, InsightPolicy has no position on the Arab/Palestinian/Israeli
conflict. InsightPolicy acknowledges the genuine personal difficulties
experienced by sexual minorities but takes issue with many of the public policy
positions advanced by the LGBT and the ‘progressive’ Left.
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