About Me

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Erik is a public policy professional and owner of the online training course in democracy and civic action: www.3ptraining.com.au The Blog …explores ways to create a sustainable and just community. Explores how that community can be best protected at all levels including social policy/economics/ military. The Book Erik’s autobiography is a humorous read about serious things. It concerns living in the bush, wilderness, home education, spirituality, and activism. Finding Home is available from Amazon, Barnes&Noble and all good e-book sellers.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Burning Forests for Electricity

Loggers and Tree Huggers Agree – Conservative Politicians Don’t

The forest peace deal signed by conservation and industry groups late last year still hangs in the balance. The upper house of State parliament, known as the Legislative Council, split evenly on the Bill which was to give effect to the agreement. They will re-consider whether to sign the Bill into law this year.

Meanwhile there has been no moratorium. I wrote in an earlier blog that we should support the deal if it was real. ‘Real’ means lines on 1:25,000 scale maps, time frames, and dollars. Anything less will simply provide political cover for clear felling to continue while isolating conservation concerns. That is precisely what happened with the Regional Forests Agreement where conservation goals were rorted but the agreement was touted as proof that the issue was solved.

How did we get here?

By 1991 everyone who understood the forest industry understood that the wood-chipping industry had around 20 years left in it before it collapsed. It was by then established in the literature that global plantations would provide a cheaper and superior resource in that time frame. Since over eighty percent of all the old growth timber is either wood-chipped or burned, plantation pulp would cripple the old growth logging industry. Heads of industry knew that, management of the (then) Forestry Commission knew that, and as a 17 year old wilderness activist, I knew that.

In 1991 I sat around a table at the Wilderness Society with a group of people and discussed how we could lock-up as much wilderness forests of world heritage significance as possible in the next two decades. There was also some discussion of what a post wood-chip driven industry might look like, and whether there was still a chance to save what remained of the small saw mill sector before the wood-chippers took the lot.

Around that time a very different group of people discussed how to ensure access to as much old growth as possible to make as much money as possible before the game collapsed. The result was Resource Security Legislation which destroyed the first Labor Green accord and government. I discuss this in more detail in my book.

What is now clear is that many saw a pulp mill as the saviour of the status quo. A pulp mill would provide a customer for the old growth wood-chips no one wants, plus plantation timbers that have been established on private land. However, even without environmental objections, this was always a high risk business venture. Eventually the pulp mill proponents made a strategic decision not to take old-growth chips, and to sell-off their wood-chip mill. Conservationists bought the chip mill.

Meanwhile what was predicted in the early nineties has now come to pass and the wood-chipping industry is in its death throes. For some reason no one thought to tell the workers and contractors in the industry that the status quo wasn’t going to last. What the CFMEU were thinking I can only guess.

But there is a plan B for industry. It is to burn the old growth in a furnace to generate electricity and pass it off as renewable energy. Never mind that old growth forests are carbon sinks, wildlife refuges, havens of biodiversity, vital components of an integral wilderness, linkages between different bioregions; or simply that they are ancient, wild and beautiful, free without reference to the needs of man. Maybe that’s the reason some people aren’t comfortable with them. Anyway, according to Forestry Tasmania it’s all OK because they will re-seed with eucalyptus trees and then log them on a 60 year cycle; so it’s all renewable and environmentalists are just being emotional. Burn the forests, turn on the lights.

I wish this was the stuff of conspiracy theorists but it isn’t. Forestry Tasmania detailed this in an article in the local news paper in which they said this was the best way to “out green the greens.” There is a real risk that without a meaningful forest agreement forests that have remained inviolate since the last ice age will simply be burned. The Liberal (read Conservative) party have already given tacit approval to this policy. It creates a neat wedge issue for them, and since they don’t really have a forest policy they may as well have a wedge.

On the other hand a big wood furnace would provide a focal point for protest in the same way that the Franklin Dam did for the South West in 1983. I must be getting old because I remember 1983. The community split down the middle, it became a State’s rights issue, and the Federal Government ended up sending F-111 bombers over Tasmania to take pictures of the Dam site. 1300 people got arrested including (from memory) a blind guy in a wheel chair. Maybe I am middle aged and conservative but I’m getting tired of this conflict. It only takes one vote from an upper house member to shift. The Feds have the dollars on the table. You can find out all about the Legislative Council here: http://www.parliament.tas.gov.au/ 

Please do!

Note: if these links don’t work copy and paste them into your browser.

Tag line: 1 forest peace deal, Christine Milne, Terry Edwards, Vica Bailey, Bob Brown, Dr Pullinger, old growth forests, high conservation value forests, The Wilderness Society, Tony Burke, Michael Hodgeman.

Tag Line 2: biofuel, logging, old growth, clearcut, clearfell, wood-chipping, world heritage, carbon sinks, forest peace deal, environmental protest

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Saints and Sustainability

Shortly before Christmas I gave a public lecture at the Cathedral on environmental values, deep ecology, creation care and sustainability. The talk considers where the notion of inherent or intrinsic value comes from, how it has played out in Western Civilisation, and where we are positioned currently.

The lecture is too long to repeat the whole text but the text, video and audio can be found here:


Click on the link or paste into your web browser.

Following is some introductory text from the talk, and some key Bible passages for reference.


I am a Christian environmentalist, and until recently a Green voter. While I am now in the season of family life I was at the pointy end of the environmental struggle in Tasmania for much of the 1990’s.  It was such a strange experience that I wrote a book about that and other things.  It’s called Finding Home.  It looks like this, and you can purchase a copy through Fullers, the Hobart Bookshop, Amazon, or Barnes&Noble.

What made the experience strange was that I lived in two camps, one evangelical and one environmentalist. 

I found most Christians, at least the evangelicals I encountered, were hostile to the environmental movement.  It was seen as a distraction from saving souls at best and idolatry and nature worship at worst.  Civil disobedience was frowned upon or seen as rebellion and therefore sinful - a sign perhaps of being socially maladjusted.

For their part many if not most environmentalists were hostile to Christianity – certainly the evangelical brand that I came from.  In short, Christianity was blamed for modernity which was seen as the cause of our over exploitation of the earth.  More importantly perhaps, Christianity was blamed for a set of values that places man at the centre and ascribes value to nature only to the extent that it can be exploited for human use.  In other words, Christianity denies any intrinsic value in nature.  This, it is claimed, has led to unrestrained exploitation of the natural world and the current ecological crisis.

Now I could cite a bunch of proof texts to argue for a Biblical environmental ethic, but I am going to take that as a given.  I want to examine the above critiques from the point of view of where value comes from, and look at how the notion of inherent value has and continues to change the world…..

Some Bible Passages:

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 – God declares all creation as good before humans come on the scene.

Genesis chapter 9 verses 9-17 – Post flood God makes a covenant with all creation.

Job – There are numerous passages in which God boasts about creation

Exodus chapter 23 verses 10-12 – Gleanings were left for the poor and for the wild animals. Every seventh year the land was to lie fallow, and all beasts of burden must rest on the seventh day of the week.

Leviticus chapter 25 verses 4-7 – repeats the command to leave the land fallow every seventh year. “You may eat what the land yields during its Sabbath…for your livestock also, and for the wild animals in your land all its yield shall be for food.”

Romans chapter 1 verse 20 – “Ever since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made…”

Revelation chapter 11 verse 18 – “The nations raged but your wrath has come, and the time for judging the dead, for rewarding your servants, the prophets and the saints and all who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying those who destroy the earth.”