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Erik is a public policy professional and owner of the online training course in democracy and civic action: www.3ptraining.com.au The Blog …explores ways to create a sustainable and just community. Explores how that community can be best protected at all levels including social policy/economics/ military. The Book Erik’s autobiography is a humorous read about serious things. It concerns living in the bush, wilderness, home education, spirituality, and activism. Finding Home is available from Amazon, Barnes&Noble and all good e-book sellers.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Australian Conservative Monthly – Special COVID Edition


Where are we and how did we get here?

As the country reaches social and economic breaking point we are beset by multiple competing claims about all aspects of this disease. Some are wildly unlikely. That some of the most outlandish theories come from the conspiratorial side of the internet is not surprising. However, many of the craziest claims emanate from governments and regulatory agencies. Thus for example, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) which has been used throughout the world as an anti-malarial by millions of people for decades, and whose positive prophylactic properties in combating COVID are attested to in over 250 studies, is restricted because “it causes heart attacks”.


If you feel that you are living in the twilight zone, it is because you are. We are under sustained physical, economic, spiritual, and psychological attack. The unease you feel about illogic, lies, unreason, and blatant fear mongering is valid. You are not alone. You are sane.


To understand the present we must understand the past. Let us therefore step out the ‘what and when’. The following is the summation of 18 months of observation and research. You may reject or question some statements. Scepticism is good, but time is limited and readers do not want to trawl through hundreds of pages of research. I refer you to previous editions, and if you are not convinced of something, that is fine. Just move onto the next point. If 20 per cent of the following is in error I apologise, but note that the truth ratio will still far exceed that of the mainstream media. So here goes:

Every major developed country has or is part of a bio-warfare program. During the Cold War, US spending on bio-war was roughly equivalent to the cost of the Manhattan project; it was just more secret. One of the thousands of dangerous pathogens the US studied, manipulated and stored, is COVID.


Research on COVID at Fort Detrick was controversial due to the extremely contagious nature of the virus, and the scientific community pressured Dr Fauci who was involved in funding the research, to desist. This did not avail until then President Obama stepped in and halted the program. Undeterred, Dr Fauci shifted research to Canada and China in the new built class 4 bio warfare lab in Wuhan Province.


China’s ‘Thousand Talents’ program of intellectual theft extended to smuggling a COVID virus to Wuhan from the Canadian lab. Funding for the research at Wuhan was channelled by Dr Fauci from the United States through an intermediary company ‘Eco Health Alliance’ headed by one Dr Daszak. As part of the Chinese ‘advanced research program’ the COVID program was immune from all scrutiny. In that environment Chinese researchers engineered the ‘spike protein’ on the virus to make if fatal. In fact, Daszak was part of a much broader secretive network attempting extremely dangerous research on COVID. This was the first part of a bigger program to similarly ‘enhance’ the MERS virus.


Had that been done and escaped it is likely that every third person on earth would now be dead.


The Chinese failed to maintain security at the lab and the earlier fears of the viral/immunology research community were realised with an escape of the novel enhanced virus. We don’t know exactly when this took place.


Chinese whistle blower Wei Jingsheng was getting concerning reports in October 2019. US intelligence has suggested an earlier date is possible but they were aware of a leak in November 2019. Whatever the date, Chinese authorities quickly spread a story about an outbreak at a market some tens of kilometres away and failed to sound the alarm.


That story was amplified by Mr Daszac, Dr Fauci and others in the West. As the outbreak spread within China, doctors and scientists within the country working at the front lines began to sound the alarm. They rapidly died or disappeared. A young researcher in Hong Kong fled to the United States claiming with certainty that the virus was genetically enhanced. Meanwhile a terabyte of data disappeared from laboratory and other research records. By the time World Health Organisation (WHO) investigators appears at the Wuhan Institute of Virology the data was missing. That, and the fact that China indirectly funded the mission, explains why WHO investigators spent only two hours on site and failed to find anything.


The Chinese authorities continued to offer false assurances until such a time as they knew the virus had spread to Europe and the United States. That was, in and of itself, an act of war. Their more suspicious Asian neighbours, Taiwan and Singapore, acted immediately on the assumption that the CCP were lying and implemented controls. Meanwhile, China bought up the global supply of PPE.


Event 201

In mid-October 2019, around the time that COVID escaped the lab in Wuhan, the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’ hosted Event 201. The event brought together the World Health Organisation (largely funded by China), the World Economic Forum (a loose consortium of big corporate interests and influencers), and others, to game plan a global COVID pandemic. That plan has since been followed with some precision. Key to the plan was early control of the narrative. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation denies any connection to the current pandemic. They are however heavily invested in vaccines.


This was not the first time that wealthy and powerful people had considered the potential of a pandemic. In 2010 the Rockerfeller Foundation had also conducted a planning exercise for a global pandemic with the ‘Global Business Network’. It predicted that citizens would willingly give up their sovereignty to controlling governments but would this would eventually lead to civil unrest (page 18).

US Election

The US election was held in November 2019. China’s ‘hidden mace’ strategy was put into action. We don’t know with certainty what ‘hidden mace’ refers to but there is substantial evidence of Chinese theft of votes from Trump to Biden via the ‘Dominion’ voting machines.  We also know that lockdown facilitated mail voting which was run as a vote stealing racket. The US election will be covered in depth in a future edition. On taking office Biden proceeded to harm the US economy through lockdowns and made Dr Fauci into a health Czar with near dictatorial powers, more or less rescinding the constitution. See previous edition for further details. Biden seems to be doing all within his power to foster a civil war. China will be the only beneficiary of such a conflict.


Vaccines vs Treatment

One would think that, faced with a nasty global virus, there would be a concerted government led effort to find any form of available treatment that might help. A year and a half into the pandemic, this has still not occurred. Big pharma was very happy to step into the gap with vaccines. There is nothing wrong with that. The normal path for a vaccine is this:

1.      isolate the virus

2.      develop an inert copy/dead virus/part of virus as an experimental vaccine and conduct animal trials

3.      depending on the results move to controlled human trials with informed consent paying close attention to the results

4.      after 2-3 years of studying this group against controls, make an initial determination of the safety and efficacy of the vaccine

5.      apply for interim approval to market, and continue development and monitoring

That never happened

To this day millions of people who get the jab think that this is what they are getting. They are wrong. In the US and EU developers instead adopted a novel untested technology called ‘messenger RNA’. That technology re-programs the RNA genetic code in your cells to manufacture the same toxic and deadly spike proteins that were engineered in the laboratory in Wuhan. Those spike proteins can travel throughout the body, cross the blood brain barrier, and accumulate in the sexual organs. Wherever they go, they cause blood clotting, tissue scaring, and inflammation. The body then mounts an immune system response to the spike protein. In other words, your body is now genetically altered to attack a protein that it makes. It doesn’t take a genius to see the potential for miscarriage, heart disease, neurological disorders, and fertility.


This technology was waived through without normal trials and unleashed on a population who thought they were getting a normal vaccine. In fact, they were being used as test subjects in a global genetic experiment. This is a breach of medical ethics, human rights, and the Nuremburg code. It is illegal under US Federal law unless there is:

a)     a pandemic; and

b)     no other available treatment.


Conveniently, the WHO had already altered their definitions in order to declare a pandemic, but there were at that time other treatments available. They included HCQ as a prophylactic, and monoclonal antibodies as treatment. However, acknowledging the existence of effective treatments/prophylaxis, and developing treatment protocols, would have posed a threat to vaccine profits, and significantly weakened the case for harsh lockdown measures.

Those doctors and medical academics looking into treatment soon found themselves de-platformed, threatened, ignored, and vilified. One French doctor was put under house arrest. A double standard quickly emerged. Any proposed treatment or prophylactic, no matter how successful in observational studies, now had to meet the gold standard of medical research, including for example double blind trials. The novel mRNA vaccine technology on the other hand, was simply waived through.


Australia Abandons Public Health

In early 2020 Australia began to make faltering steps at formulating a public health policy. We would lock down, control the spread of the contagion so hospitals were not overwhelmed, vaccinate the most at risk groups, reach natural herd immunity, and move on. It was a rational scientific policy and was promptly abandoned. In lockstep with the rest of the world, Australia changed its policy to instead get a needle into every arm by any means necessary. Lockdowns have been the blunt instrument to break people financially and psychologically so they comply with this dictate. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TPA) took their que and banned effective treatments, including recently, Ivermectin. There is no charitable explanation for this.


World Economic Forum (WEF)

Let’s now visit mid-2020. The grand sounding ‘World Economic Forum’ appears to be associated with the ‘Davos Forum’, a loose network of wealthy and powerful class interests. These are essentially the same interests that have profited from shifting money and manufacturing to China and impoverishing the Western world working class. During the early stages of global lockdown Mr Klause Schwab of the WEF infamously stated “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” In June 2020 at their 50th annual convention hosted by Prince Charles, the WEF declared that the pandemic was an opportune time to declare the ‘Great Reset’.  Stripped of the noble sounding verbiage, the ‘Great Reset’ is essentially everything that liberty minded ‘conspiracy theorists’ had been warning about for years; a centrally controlled world with a handful of people at the top controlling the world’s resources and people. Unsurprisingly, Bill Gates was also in attendance. This built on earlier work including for example Agenda 21. The policies put in place ostensibly in response to COVID closely align with the policy objectives of the WEF, notably the destruction of small business and economic independence, creation of a total surveillance society, and ‘lockstep’ control of nation states.


Trusted News Initiative

Oddly some people did not share the WEF vision or appreciate its new found impact on their lives. Expert voices questioning the narrative were starting to be heard. To counter this disturbing trend, national broadcasters and global media corporations agreed between themselves and with national governments to cease doing journalism only promote one narrative. That is:


‘COVID will kill you and your loved ones unless you are vaccinated. Vaccines are safe and effective. They are the only path out of lockdown. Anyone suggesting anything else is anti-social, mentally suspect, a threat to your very life, and deserving of punishment.’


In the UK the national spy agency GCHQ was engaged to discourage “vaccine hesitancy”. British citizens are now officially targets for black propaganda operations by their spy agency which they pay for with their taxes.

That is why the mainstream media only publish pro-vaccination propaganda and vilify anyone who objects, even going so far as to slander Australian construction workers as Neo Nazis.

Consequently, the intellectual climate is now similar to that of Germany in the 1930’s. In the UK world leading medical journal ‘The Lancet’ published an entirely fraudulent paper which falsely concluded no medical benefit from HCQ. No one lost their job. The modelling used to justify lockdown in the UK was not only found to be equally fraudulent but the author broke his own lockdown recommendations to have an affair with a member of Extinction Rebellion, a hard line Marxist group. None of this changed the policy. Three African presidents who refused to accept the vaccines died shortly afterwards and were replaced with presidents who did accept the vaccines.


The political Left might have been expected to recognise a corporate fascist take-over but did not. Rather, they became unpaid trolls and useful idiots, attacking anyone (including me) who questioned the narrative. While black Africans starved because of lockdown, and minority business went bankrupt around the world, ‘Black Lives Matter’ was nowhere to be seen. Dr Fauci became a darling of the liberal Left.


The New World Order

Perhaps ‘great re-set’ wasn’t strong enough for Australian petty bureaucrats who prefer the term previously promoted by former US President George Bush ‘new world order.’ See examples below. You may need to copy and paste into your browser:

“We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order”




“We’ve got to accept that this is the New World Order”



What a very strange thing to say if this is about health. What is now clear, is that the world is undergoing a form of mass psychosis. This psychosis has been induced. Ironically the academic term for this is ‘masking’. For a scholarly and helpful discussion of ‘masking’ see this interview.  The masking operation is global.

In that context authorities have abandoned any effort to develop an actual public health policy and have instead headed down the path of creating a dystopian hell hole. Big Pharma now has an unbeatable business model. Everyone in the world is must take their vaccines at a price they determine as many times as they determine. Does it get any better?

Don’t Mention Vaccine Injury

Traditionally, vaccines resulted in extremely rare injuries that are tracked and recorded over time. If you look at vaccine injury data you see a fairly steady line that suddenly does a J curve and heads for the clouds as a result of COVID vaccine injuries. The normal standard for vaccine injury is that a vaccine is taken off the market following around 50 deaths. The US reports around 8000 deaths and many more are reported in Europe. A small price to pay to save millions of lives according to the global narrative. For the record, this is what vaccine injury looks like.

However, all is not as it seems. Reporting is a passive process. No one rings you a week after you get the jab to ask if you are OK. You have already been told that you will be OK. It is not in your mind to consider that if you get suddenly ill or die after the jab it could be caused by the jab. If you (or your surviving relatives) say that it is, you/they will likely be gaslighted. Facebook shut down a vaccine injury group with 250 thousand members. “Let her speak” does not apply to the vaccine injured.


If you want to make the effort to report you must be an accomplished website navigating bureaucratic ninja to get through the reporting system. Not easy with brain fog or serious injury. Once your data is reported, it will likely be dismissed. For some reason regulatory agencies see the onus of proof as being on the person alleging vaccine injury, not the other way around. So confident are regulatory agencies in the safety of COVID vaccines that manufactures and administering doctors have been given statutory immunity from liability. That legal mouthful simply means that if you walk into a clinic, get jabbed, and then collapse with life-long neurological damage, you can’t sue. Problem belong you.


One study has suggested a reporting rate for vaccine injury as low as one per cent in the US. American Frontline Doctors citing a “CDC whistle blower” allege 45 thousand vaccine deaths in the US and have filed suit to stop vaccination of minors. Dr Malone, who co-invented the technology behind the vaccines and who works with US regulatory agencies, has a number of things to say about data collection and analysis failure within regulatory agencies (see below at 1:15).


As of now, we really have no idea what the real rate of vaccine injury is but it is obviously far higher that the official reports. For the record, this is what the vaccine does within your body. Were you told?


Consequently there is no such thing as informed consent because we don’t know


Recently 600 students at my former high school were vaccinated. Four developed myocarditis and at least one was hospitalised. None of this was repeated in the press. A perfectly healthy you man in the bloom of youth and at no risk from COVID is now injured for life. He is my baby sitter’s brother.


Meet the Rebel Alliance

Faced with mass popular psychosis, gaslighting, ever changing goal posts, academic double standards, and non-reporting of data, it has fallen to treating physicians to form their own dissident associations or speak out on their own. They include:

Frontline Doctors

Front Line Critical Care Alliance

The Great Barrington Declaration

COVID Global Summit

Australia’s ‘COVID Medical Network’



Dr McCullough

If anyone is confused about COVID vaccination, home treatment, and related issues, please invest an hour and a half of your life listening to this presentation (click on the video) by world leading physician Dr McCullough.


Dr Yeadon

For an impassioned and expert scientific view, watch this interview with former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist for allergy and respiratory research, Dr Michael Yeadon.


Dr Malone

Dr Malone was a key person in the development of the mRNA technology used in the vaccines. He speaks favourably of the future potential of mRNA treatments but is outspoken against using this technology in the current manner against COVID. There are many interviews available on the internet. See particularly at 35:00 and 1:05.


Narrative in Crisis

Nature does not care what you think. The reality of highly contagious respiratory viruses is that they WILL move through the population. To suggest that they can be eliminated through lockdown is absurd. People will die. The population will achieve natural immunity. The virus will mutate and make more people sick. This will continue indefinitely. Both Singapore and Norway have declared COVID an endemic disease because it now is. Our grand children’s children will be living with some variant of this virus. After close to two years of lockdowns and restrictions this is becoming evident. We can no more get to ‘Zero COVID’ than King Canute could hold back the tide.

Vaccination may have saved lives but it has not stopped the virus. In Israel with around 80 per cent of the adult population vaccinated, many for the third time, the virus continues to make vaccinated people sick.


The requirement for second, third and fourth booster shots is simply an acknowledgement that vaccination has failed. Worse, the shot allows persons to carry a high viral load and impedes the development of natural immunity. Consequently it is the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, who are the new ‘super spreaders’.


If vaccination and lockdowns don’t work, why are we punishing people into getting vaccinated while denying medicine to the sick?


What Happens Now

The current policy has created a perfect storm. Poverty kills. By destroying the economy and preventing early diagnosis and treatment of other conditions, lockdowns are killing people, and people are killing themselves in despair.


Lockdowns have prevented people from getting life-long natural immunity and have also compromised their immune system. Vaccination allows them to carry a higher viral load and speeds the rate of mutation. In the near future a weakened population will be hit with a mutated virus. That will be used to justify more booster shots and more social destruction. The booster shots will cause more death and injury. This will be blamed on the unvaccinated. For the first time in history the failure of a medical procedure will be blamed on those who refused it. “Anti-vaxx” hysteria will be used as an excuse to create a Nazi style two tier society that neatly delineates those who do what the government says and are rewarded, and those who don’t and are punished.


The world is at a fork in the road. We can flatten the curve, treat sickness with medicine, give prophylaxis, develop safe vaccines, and target the vaccines we have to the most at risk groups; or we can destroy our societies only to see COVID continue on unabated.


Staying Well

So perhaps you got the shot. Perhaps you also got your children vaccinated. Did you do the wrong thing? Whatever you did, you did it for the right reasons. It is not your fault that you were not given accurate or adequate information on which to base an important and difficult choice. Sounds a bit like abortion doesn’t it? Somehow ‘safe, legal and rare’ became ‘three abortions for every women before graduating college’. Somehow ‘safe and effective vaccine’ became ‘hold people down and jab them or imprison them in their homes until they submit.’


What we now know is:

·        vaccination is most relevant to those over 60 and those with underlying health disorders. It comes with both risks and benefits.

·        no healthy person under 30 should take a mRNA vaccine

·        no pregnant mother should take a mRNA vaccine

·        the situation for those of us in between is mixed and requires judgment

·        COVID is a mortal risk to approximately one third of one percent of people, and only if untreated

·        around 85 per cent of COVID deaths are avoidable with treatment

·        the Australian Government has effectively banned or restricted treatment

·        natural immunity is still the best defence for low risk groups

·        everyone, vaccinated or not, should have a home treatment plan and access to medicines both for treatment and prophylactic use

·        GPs on the whole are not providing home treatment plans

·        Advice from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is to administer paracetamol, deny effective life-saving drugs, and let the patient become critically ill then transfer to hospital

·        we no longer have a health policy, we just have a vaccine policy


Home Treatment Resources

Insight Policy has developed a set of resources and home treatment protocols. These are relevant whether you are vaccinated or not. They are based on the clinical experience and peer reviewed publications of Dr McCullough, Dr Zelenko, and the FLCCC.


This is not medical advice.


Study these resources for yourself and discuss with your GP or medical specialist.


Get Smart(er)! - alternative news and information

Rebel news is doing an excellent job reporting events on the ground as they unfold in Australia and in Canada. Sign up to Rebel News!


Quote of the Month

Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe – Jordan Peterson


Final Speculative Note

In bio-warfare an offensive weapon such as a virus is only released if the aggressor has a defence such as a vaccine, or is willing to take proportionate losses. In the case of China vs the US, China has 1.3 billion people and can afford to lose 300 million. If the United Stated loses 300 million it ceases to exist and China takes over the world.





Tuesday 21 September 2021

Summary of Available Home Treatment Protocols


Studied three protocols for home treatment and prevention. The FLCCC protocols were the most detailed. The FLCCC is sceptical of HCQ and much more favourable towards Ivermectin. Dr McCullough strongly favours HCQ as a preventative and an aid in the early stages of infection but also strongly favours Ivermectin. Dr Zelenko favours quercetin but that is not compatible with corticosteroids or Ivermectin so not suitable for asthmatics. Apart from that, the protocols are in agreement viz elemental zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, HCQ to go with zinc in first couple of days of infection and as preventative, and Ivermectin throughout. Dr McCullough and the FLCCC point to corticosteroids as very important in treating later stages of infection to keep the lungs open (so no quertectin).


Ivermectin can have side-affects including dizziness, nausea, upset stomach. Do not take if driving or pregnant. Ivermectin also interacts with a number of other drugs including for e.g. warfarin. Check table.


There is an alternative to Ivermectin called Nitrazoxanide.


FLCCC protocol listed treatment amounts by body weight so individual calculations can be made. Theirs was the most detailed protocol.


Summary of Prevention Protocols:

Dr McCullough

I have been unable to find a prevention protocol. His article only deals with treatment.


Dr Zelenko

Young healthy people do not need prophylaxis against COVID-19. Patients over 45 have a 5-10% mortality when infected with COVID-19.


Protocol for high risk patients:

·         Elemental Zinc 25 mg per day

·         Vitamin D3 5000 IU once per day

·         Hydroxychloroquire (HCQ) 200 mg once per day for 5 days, then once per week.

If HCQ unavailable use quercetin 500 mg once per day.


FLCCC Alliance

·         Elemental zinc 100 mg per day

·         Vitamin D3 1000 – 3000 IU per day

·         Vitamin C 500 – 1000 mg twice daily

·         B complex vitamins (no specific dose)

·         Ivermectin 0.2 mg per kilo body weight twice weekly.


Summary of Early Treatment Protocols:

Dr McCullough

Dr McCullough recommends the following “nutraceutical bundle” as a general treatment guide to be taken daily for 5-30 days on first sign of infection:

·         Zinc sulphate (elemental zinc) 220 mg

·         Vitamin D3 5000 IU

·         Vitamin C 3000 mg

·         Quercetin 500 mg (see notes above)

·         Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg

Use oral corticosteroids when you start to cough or have difficulty breathing.

Consider using colchicine 0.6 mg po bid [?] for 3 days then 0.6 mg po qd for 30 days.


Dr Zelenko

·         Elemental Zinc 50-100mg once a day for 7 days

·         Vitamin C 1000mg 1 time a day for 7 days

·         Vitamin D3 10000 IU once a day for 7 days or 50000 IU once a day for 1-2 days

·         Azithromycin 500mg 1 time a day for 5 days OR Doxycycline 100mg 2 times a day for 7 days

·         Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 200mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days and/or

·         Ivermectin 0.4-0.5mg/kg/day for 5-7 days

·         Doxycycline 100 mg two times day for 7 days


Either or both HCQ and IVM can be used, and if one only, the second agent may be added after about 2 days of treatment if obvious recovery has not yet been observed.


FLCCC Alliance

·         Elemental zinc 100 mg per day

·         Vitamin D3 5000 IU per day

·         Vitamin C 500 – 1000 mg twice daily

·         Ivermectin 0.4 – 0.6 mg daily for 5 days or until recovery


There is an alternative to Ivermectin called Nitrazoxanide. For treatment 500mg twice a day for 5 days.   

Take asprin immediately as a blood thinner to avoid clots. 325 mg for an adult. Consult your Dr viz other blood thinners if at high risk (over 60 with underlying conditions).


Summary of Serious Late Stage Infection Protocols

Dr McCullough

I found his article too complex. It is written for medical professionals and I am not going to attempt to interpret or apply it. He is essentially discussing hospital treatment.


Dr Zelenko

·         Dexamethasone 6-12mg 1 time a day for 7 days or

·         Prednisone 20mg twice a day for 7 days, taper as needed

·         Budesonide 1mg/2cc solution via nebulizer twice a day for 7 days

·         Blood thinners (i.e. Lovenox, Eliquis, Xarelto, Pradaxa, Aspirin)

·         Colchicine 0.6mg 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days

·         Monoclonal antibodies [have to be administered as out-patient treatment]

·         Home IV fluids and oxygen


FLCCC Alliance

Continue Ivermectin 0.4 – 0.6 mg daily for 5 days or until recovery


Dose vitamin C 25g in 200 – 500 cc saline solution over 4-6 hours, then 12 hourly for 3-5 days, then 3g IV q 6 [whatever that means] for total of 7 – 10 days of treatment.


Role of inhaled steroids unclear. However FLCCC recommend methylprednisolone. If unavailable use prednisolone. If unavailable use prednisone. If unavailable use hydrocortisone. If there is nothing else then use dexamethasone.

Post Recovery

This is an inflammatory illness with frequent long term health effects in the ‘recovered’. For pulmonary inflammation use prednisone as per Drs directions (will depend on individual).

You will likely need to re-balance the immune system. FLCCC have a RECOVERY protocol but note that this is an ongoing work in progress based on best available observation as formal studies not funded.


Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers

SYDNEY, Aug 19, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - - Triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, today released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to Australian GPs, who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients, and can also prescribe it as a preventative medication. Borody says this could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks.

Professor Thomas Borody MB, BS, BSc(Med), MD, PhD, DSc, FRACP, FACP, FACG, AGAF, FRS(N) said: "The three medications are on chemist shelves right now. GPs can email GP@CDD.com.au to obtain the dosing protocol and COVID-19 treatment information for their patients. "GPs can legally prescribe the therapy today as an "off label" treatment according to Australian Guidelines - a standard practice in medicine. In fact more than 60% of prescriptions in Australia are "off-label". It's not a new concept. It's happening every day to manage diseases and save lives."


Professor Borody continued: "We have a therapy that can fight COVID-19. The medications have been around for 50 years, they are cheap, FDA and TGA approved and have an outstanding safety profile. Why are we just waiting around for a vaccine? To save lives we should be using whatever is safe and available right now. We could lead the world in this fight.


"Australia has some of the best medical and science people in the world - indeed the Ivermectin connection was first discovered by Dr Kylie Wagstaff's team at Monash University in April. How long do we need to wait before Australian politicians get behind Australian medical science and use 'war room' tactics with safe and approved medications."

Professor Borody, an internationally regarded physician with 4 FDA approved drugs on the US and Australian markets, is famous for developing the triple therapy that cured peptic ulcers, saving more than 18,000 lives just in Australia and millions internationally. See Professor Borody's published research at ORCID

"No trial has shown Ivermectin-based therapy to be ineffective. In-fact, international data reports an almost 100% cure rate and a symptom improvement within 4-6 days. We should share Australian findings from this triple therapy with the world," said Professor Borody. 

"An Ivermectin tablet can cost as little as $2 - which could make it by far the cheapest, safest, and fastest cure for Australians and the Australian economy. This needs to be available for aged care facilities and frontline health workers today.

"We have written the Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt and Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews for an urgent medical briefing to bypass the raft of 'advisors' who need to know TGA-approved medicines do not require animal studies and prolonged clinical trials already done to approve them in the first place.

"The Government could end the pandemic by openly encouraging GPs to prescribe these TGA approved medications. Those who test positive, are identified in contact tracing, as well as those in high-risk groups like the elderly and healthcare workers, can then access the therapy quickly," said Professor Borody.

Ivermectin was discovered in the 1970s and is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines. "There is mounting worldwide clinical literature pointing to a 100% cure rate using Ivermectin Triple Therapy," he said.

There are currently 28 COVID-19 Ivermectin treatment studies running globally. Research papers include:


Mass treatment with ivermectin: an underutilized public health strategy


A Randomized Trial of Ivermectin-Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine-Azithromycin therapy on COVID19 patients


Effectiveness of Ivermectin as add-on Therapy in COVID-19 Management (Pilot Trial)

Journal of Antibiotics:

Ivermectin: a systematic review from antiviral effects to COVID-19 complementary regimen


A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline

Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons:

A Case Series of 100 COVID-19 Positive Patients Treated with Combination of Ivermectin and Doxycycline
Comparison of Viral Clearance between Ivermectin with Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromycin in COVID-19 Patients


ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) study: Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID19


Has Ivermectin Virus-Directed Effects against SARS-CoV-2? Rationalizing the Action of a Potential Multitarget Antiviral Agent

Triple therapy of Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic

Professor Borody says his research has led him to a triple therapy of Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic - which are all TGA and FDA approved. The therapy comprises:

1.  Ivermectin - TGA and FDA approved as an anti-parasitic therapy with an established safety profile since the 1970s. Known as the "Wonder Drug" from Japan.

2.  Zinc

3.  Doxycycline - TGA and FDA approved tetracycline antibiotic that fights bacterial infections, eg. acne or urinary tract infections, viral and malarial infections.

Professor Borody is involved in a Phase 2 study in the US to potentially develop the triple therapy as a single "blister pack" compliance product. He says, "Our study in the US is looking at developing the triple therapy as a single product which requires FDA approval, even though all 3 medications separately are already approved." US clinical trial

About the Centre for Digestive Diseases (CDD)

The Sydney-based Centre for Digestive Diseases (CDD) provides patients with innovative therapies not available in the rest of the world. The Hospital features cutting-edge technologies enabling our specialists to provide world-class treatments. Visit https://centrefordigestivediseases.com. Professor Borody is best known internationally for his work in gut and its mircobiome infections and re-purposing antimicrobial drugs for new diseases including the triple therapy cure for peptic ulcers. His discoveries prevented premature deaths in over 18,000 people and saved the Federal Government a reported $10 billion. [THEMA Report] Professor Borody developed a triple therapy for the treatment for Crohn's Disease, and has developed 4 FDA approved pharmaceuticals for the USA and international markets.

Article source: Merck : Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers | MarketScreener

Summary of the Borody Treatment Protocol for COVID-19


  • Check the complete protocols in the downloadable PDFs below.
  • If you are not a doctor, consult your doctor before taking any of these medications!
  • Most doctors recommend a dosage of Ivermectin of 0.2 mg per kg of body weight, which means that 60 kg body weight leads to a 12 mg dose. The Borody protocol does not mention children. The dosages are apparently calculated for adults of average weight.
  • The Borody protocol does not mention the exact dosage of zinc in the attached documents, but most other doctors have recommended 50 mg of zinc per day as zinc picolinate or another easily absorbed chelated zinc supplement.

Sources of Ivermectin Tablets

Preferably get a prescription for Ivermectin tablets like Stromectol from your local doctor. - Generic versions of Ivermectin tablets can also be ordered from India, for example Ivecop via AllDayChemist.com manufactured by TOSC International and marketed by Menarini. They ship worldwide.

Alternative Sources of Ivermectin

If Ivermectin tablets like Stromectol are not available in your country look for Ivermectin from a veterinary or farm supply store nearby or online. Injectible Ivermectin for veterinary use should not be injected but should be taken orally! If using a 10 mg/ml sterile injection solution, use a 3 ml syringe to measure exactly 1.2 ml (= 12 mg) and add it to half a glass of water to drink. This is safe for human medical use as long as the product is purchased from a reputable manufacturer and the dosage is calculated correctly. Many doctors in South America have been successfully using veterinary Ivermectin due to lack of availability of Stromectol tablets. - For example one product which should be available in many parts of the world is Ivomec (Ivermectin) from Merial which is part of Boehringer Ingelheim. The price for Ivomec can vary from country to country, lowest in Brazil at about US$5.00/50ml up to US$50.00/50ml in some countries, but mostly between $10 and $20 per 50 ml, making it a very inexpensive treatment.

Download the Original Documents

Disclaimer: This medication protocol is intended specifically for the patient being treated based on the consultation and investigations by the Doctor.