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Erik is a public policy professional and owner of the online training course in democracy and civic action: www.3ptraining.com.au The Blog …explores ways to create a sustainable and just community. Explores how that community can be best protected at all levels including social policy/economics/ military. The Book Erik’s autobiography is a humorous read about serious things. It concerns living in the bush, wilderness, home education, spirituality, and activism. Finding Home is available from Amazon, Barnes&Noble and all good e-book sellers.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Game of Thrones - Why the Left Keep Losing Elections

So the Australian Labor Party just lost the unlosable election. Like Hillary Clinton wasn’t supposed to lose and like Brexit wasn’t supposed to happen, and like people really need to be helped to see just how wonderful progressive politics really is.

Oh, and here I need to Segway with an update - Labor UK just suffered their worst defeat in 85 years at the hands of working class Britons. If politics was war, their defeat over Brexit would be called ethnic cleansing.

In Australia, just like in the US, the progressives are blaming the working class for being “dumb greedy and mean” and blaming the loss on insufficient progressive media bias, a fictional ‘right’ that somehow stole the election (at least they didn’t blame Russia this time), and pretty much everything except themselves. As far as belief in one’s own rightness and infallibility go, these guys make the papacy look amateurish. For just one example of determined un-learning and un-listening and unbelievable arrogance, see here.

Australia's Prime Minister Elect Celebrates

So, what can be learned?

I grew up and live in a white working class/welfare class suburb. I am grateful to the ALP for having the opportunity to go to University, my life was saved in a public hospital, I have been unfortunate enough to be on welfare on two occasions, and I am happy to pay taxes for all these things. But what we are seeing now is a seismic shift from policies to create opportunities for working class people, to an assault on society itself.

Its a matter of both message and substance.

This is the social justice warrior message to the people I live around:

You suck. Your values suck. Your culture sucks. Your civilisation sucks. The country your grandparents fought for is evil and does not deserve to exist. Every other race, culture, creed and sexual orientation is better than yours so hand over your country now! Oh, and by the way, we don’t trust you to manage your money so you had best hand it over for re-distribution. Oh, and those kids of yours; yeah we’re gonna force you to hand them over to us to use for our sick social experiments into genderless/fatherless ideology and sexual deviance… and if you’re not happy about that, well fuck you bigot you are an example of everything that’s wrong with the world. Oh, and you’re destroying the planet too.


The Trump/Morrison message to the people I live around:

You’re awesome. I love what you do for a living. What a great country you built. Hey let’s make it even better. I like your values. You can have your faith based schools and chaplins. We’re not going to sack you for your opinion. We’ll make sure you don’t get paid much but hey, here’s a tax break. Now let’s all get back to work.


I mean gosh, what is wrong with working people?

What is ‘wrong’ with them, is that they have a fundamental grasp of reality. Behind the various policies (actual and publicly acknowledged) of the progressive left are the following core beliefs.

People are inherently good

The locus of evil therefore lies not in the human heart, but in forms of social organisation – capitalism, patriarchy, nationalism, heteronormativity, - in other words, normal society

Therefore normal/Western society must be overthrown

This must be accomplished by mass immigration, the destruction of the family unit, public control of the means of production, state control of reproduction and children, mass social indoctrination, re-writing history, and cutting people off from their family, sexual, ethnic, religious, national, and cultural identity

All cultures and races are equal (not withstanding the above)

It follows that equal numbers of every race and culture can live harmoniously in the same polity

Therefore white people should accept their role as a minority group in their own countries and stop reproducing

When all this is accomplished a just and good society will rise phoenix like from the ashes of the West

In time all societies will join to form a single world government that ends war, saves the planet, and propels humanity to the next stage of evolution

The short hand term for this belief system is ‘cultural Marxism’. Essentially this is the belief system of a dangerous secular cult. Working people understand intuitively that this system is aimed at them and all they hold dear. They also understand that none of these beliefs is true, and that if put into public policy, would result not in a new utopia, but a hellish dystopia. Absent the West and the alternative is Islam, Chinese communism, or chaos.

As society increasingly rejects this lunacy at the ballot and in public life, the secular cult is becoming increasingly angry, desperate and controlling. Hence the commentary.

Am I exaggerating? For pointing out on facebook that Islamic immigration is a problem and Senator Anning had a point, I was told that I was an example of ‘everything that is wrong with the world’ by someone I have never met. During the gay marriage campaign one commentator tweeted that he wanted to “hate fuck the homophobia” out of politicians who didn’t support redefining marriage. That wouldn’t matter except that he had just published an article with a leading progressive on-line magazine, plus no one on the social left publicly criticised him, and he kept his 70 thousand followers on twitter…and he was promoting violent rape. There are hundreds of other examples but it would be depressing to start listing them.
Note however that Australian Labor Party policy includes criminalising paediatricians for referring young children to counselling for gender dysphoria and forcing them to refer the child for irreversible hormone blocking drugs that cause permanent brain damage and developmental abnormalities. That’s just one part of the ALPs toxic cocktail of mandatory child abuse. It didn’t sway the election because the media mostly refused to talk about it, but people are sensing that, as much as we wanted to do something good for the gay community in voting for same sex marriage, de-gendering society and trying to turn kids into trans/queers through the public school system is a bridge too far. Oh, and didn’t some footballer just lose a $4million contract simply for stating Christian beliefs in public? I don’t happen to agree with what he said BTW but could I be sacked for this blog? There are certainly people who would like to see that happen.

I once spent some time in a strict religious group. I have also spent 15 years in progressive politics. I can honestly say that the religious group was more accepting and broader minded than the SJW crowd.

Which brings us to Game of Thrones.

I hereby dedicate this dialogue to Penny Wong:


Jon confronts Daenerys in the following scene, angrily demanding to know why she would order the execution of prisoners of war after the war had been won.

“It was necessary,” Daenerys quietly replies. Jon continues to plead on behalf of the men, women, and children burned alive by Daenerys’ attack.

“[Cersei, the queen of King’s Landing and Daenerys’ enemy] tried to use their innocence against me. She thought it would cripple me,” Daenerys rationalizes.

Jon continues to plea on behalf of Tyrion, who faces execution for treason.

“We can’t hide behind small mercies,” Daenerys resolves. “The world we need won’t be built by men loyal to the world we have... It’s not easy to see something that’s never been before. A good world.”

“How do you know it’ll be good?”

“Because I know what is good,” Daenerys affirms.

“What about everyone else?” questions Jon earnestly. “All the other people who think they know what’s good?”

“They don’t get to choose,” states Daenerys flatly.

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